Specialized Services

Our experienced veterinary team provides comprehensive medical care, ranging from routine to advanced procedures and treatments.

Although we handle the majority of your pet’s medical and surgical needs in-house, we occasionally refer patients to veterinary specialists or specialty clinics when advanced training or equipment will be beneficial. Below you will find a list of treatments that we currently offer in-house.

Related Services

Our veterinary team has you covered!

Exotic Pet Care

Exotic pets include small mammals, reptiles, birds. We recommend that all newly acquired exotic pets be kept separate from your other pets for one month after purchase. They should also receive an initial health evaluation by your veterinarian prior to introduction to your other pets. We offer a wide array of wellness services for exotic pets.

Health Certificates

Many of our clients travel with their pets, even when going abroad. Often they’ll need a health certificate to accompany their pet. You will want to make sure you know the requirements of the airline and/or destination, and then plan ahead: make your appointment with the USDA (if required), have your pet’s vaccinations and tests performed in the appropriate time frame, and schedule your appointment with our team.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is often used in conjunction with physical therapy or rehab and is a non-invasive, pain-free treatment that helps to reduce inflammation, decrease pain, and aid in healing. Laser therapy is good for post-surgical patients, chronic arthritis, skin conditions, muscle strains and sprains, joint or disc disease, wounds, bites and burns.


A cancer diagnosis for your pet can be scary. Our veterinary oncologists want you to know there are more treatment options available now than in the past. We have years of advanced study and experience in treating pet cancers and almost every pet can be helped to some degree. For some pets, that may mean a cure; for others, we focus on palliative treatments that provide an improved quality of life.
